New Alliance2015 has commissioned Samuel Hall Institute to conduct research into EU spending on resilience programming in Ethiopia, with the ultimate goal of providing concrete policy recommendations to the European Union (EU) to better orient their financing on resilience. To conduct the analysis necessary to answer the above research questions, the research team applies a qualitative approach to inform findings.
BMM was a programme of the European Union’s Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) with the primary objective of improving migration management in countries of origin and transit within the Horn of Africa (HoA). BMM aimed to strengthen the resilience of communities, particularly the most vulnerable, and to ultimately reduce the flow of irregular migration. As the research partner, the project's main objective was to raise awareness with regards to alternative livelihood options, including safe migration in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Sudan.
NRC commisioned Samuel Hall Institute to conduct the first tracer study in Kismayo, Somalia to understand the impact of the vocational skills programming and start-up grants on the employability of youth graduates. The Study will assess how many youth found employment, the impacts of gender, how displacement profiles can affect outcomes and best practices and lessons learned.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s Global Programme for Migration and Development (GPMD) Division commissioned Samuel Hall Institute to assess GPMD's programming in relation to gender.
Through a qualitative approach, SHI assessed gender sensitivity and transformativity in GPMD’s programming and identified gaps and best practices for gender in migration programming and gender (or gendered) outcomes.
SHI also provided recommendations on integrating gender sensitivity and/or transformativity in strategy and learning.
GIZ contracted Samuel Hall Institute to conduct a study focused on providing a comprehensive understanding of where and how to make strategic and long-lasting contributions to the greater economic wellbeing of Afghan returnees in Afghanistan.
Samuel Hall Institute developed a Mixed Methods toolkit chapter for research on child labour and forced labour for the ILO to give theoretical and practical guidance on the application of Mixed Methods research. Following this, the ILO has commissioned Samuel Hall Institute to develop a tool proposing an approach and indicators "for classifying a country as approaching the elimination of child labour”.